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One in four homes are now equity rich
One in four homes are now equity rich
Nearly a quarter of U.S. properties with mortgages are equity rich, according to a recent report from ATTOM Data Solutions. This means that the properties have a loan-to-value ratio of 50% or lower, leaving the homeowner with at least a 50% equity stake.
According to the report, more than 13.6 million U.S. properties in Q2 2018 were equity rich, which is 24.5% of all mortgaged properties.
The states with the highest share of equity-rich properties were California (43.5%), Hawaii (38.3%), Washington (34.5%), New York (33.2%) and Oregon (32.8%).
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The metropolitan statistical areas with the highest share of equity-rich properties were San Jose, California (71.9%); San Francisco, California (60.8%); Los Angeles, California (47.9%); Seattle, Washington (41.1%); and San Diego, California (40%).
Daren Blomquist, senior vice president with ATTOM Data Solutions, said the number of equity-rich properties exceeded those that were underwater, but that a disparity is apparent.
“Nationwide the number of equity rich homeowners is more than twice the number of seriously underwater homeowners, but the gap between home equity haves and have-nots persists because home price appreciation is certainly not uniform across local markets or even within local markets,” Blomquist said.
View the interactive home equity heat map from ATTOM below to explore home equity hot-spots nationwide.
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Source: ATTOM Data Solutions
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